Using OneDrive on the School's Mac Network
This steps below show you how to use OneDrive on the school's Mac Computers.
Setting up OneDrive
Step 1 – When you log into the Mac you will be prompted to sign into OneDrive
Step 2 – Use your school email to sign in (e.g.
Step 3 – Then on the sign in window enter your password
Step 4 – The following screens that appear can just be clicked through and nothing needs to be changed
Step 5 – Now you will be presented with your OneDrive folder, it will contain a Desktop, Documents & Picture folder which relate to those you will find on a Windows Computer. This means you can now access these files very easily on both platforms and from home.
Please Note that these three folders are different to those found under the Favorites side bar in Finder
If you accidentally close the main OneDrive log in window then please go to Launchpad and locate the OneDrive app and click on it to open the Login window again. You should only need to do the sign in once per mac.
Saving to OneDrive
There are a couple ways of saving to OneDrive. 1st is to save directly to the OneDrive from any application such as Word, Excel & GarageBand. 2nd is to simply drag and drop the files to OneDrive if you have saved the files to the desktop for example.
Directly Saving to OneDrive (Recommended)
Step 1 – From the application save dialog click on the arrow next to ‘Where’
Step 2 – This will open a more traditional Finder view where you will find ‘OneDrive – Herne Bay High School’ listed under the Favourites side bar
Step 3 – Name the file and navigate to where in the OneDrive you would like to save the file
Drag & Drop Files to OneDrive
Step 1 – Open a Finder window and navigate to the file you wish to add to OneDrive
Step 2 – Then open another finder window and select ‘OneDrive – Herne Bay High School’ from the Favourites side bar
Step 3 – Drag the file/folders you wish from the first finder window to the second one
Checking OneDrive has fully synced data
Naturally as OneDrive uses the cloud to store data its not uncommon for it to take sometime to sync data from the Mac to the Cloud. You can always check that everything is in order by navigating to the OneDrive icon on the Menu Bar at the top of the screen.
Step 1 – On the top right of the screen locate the OneDrive cloud icon and click on it
Step 2 – This will open the OneDrive application. At the top of this window you will see the status. You’re looking for this to say ‘OneDrive is up to date’ but if its still syncing changes it may say ‘OneDrive is updating’
Please Note that until the sync has finished your files will only be available on this specific mac and if you log out part way through then you will not have access to the files until you next sign in and let the sync complete.
Understanding the OneDrive Sync Status
Below are the various icons you will see when looking at your OneDrive files and folders inside of Finder. Each have a different meaning and represent the file/folders status.